This site is dedicated to increasing awareness of MMIHS and providing support and resources for those affected by it. May our efforts contribute to making the future a place that is as extraordinary as each of you.

The MMIHS Funds for Families Grant

We know that living with a rare disease can lead to added, unexpected, and astronomical costs for a family and that managing these financial
burdens can make an already difficult situation even more challenging. Therefore, as part of our mission to cultivate a supportive
and resourceful community, we have created the MMIHS Funds for Families grant giving program. Please read below for more information!

Congratulations to Jules and his family!

Congratulations to Jules and his family for receiving a Funds for Families grant! Jules' mom, Cherica submitted a request to purchase a Shortie Hickman Line Dry Suit. “Jules loves the water! He does aqua PT and OT every week. We are so grateful for this gift to protect his line while he enjoys the water. One of the few
activities he loves and can do. Thank you to the MMIHS Foundation!” ~ Cherica Williamson


Grants for 2023 will be reviewed and administered by the board of directors on a quarterly basis.

We are accepting applications now to be reviewed at our May board meeting!

View this document for:

  • Grant Information
  • Rules of Compliance
  • The Application Process
  • Application Instructions and
  • The Complete Application Form

Open Here: MMIHS Funds for Families Grant

View: Example of Completed Application

If you have any questions, comments, or input please utilize the contact page to get in touch. In addition, if you or a family member have been affected by MMIHS please join The Megacystis Microcolon Support Group. Made up of over 100 members, this private group is truly an invaluable resource for MMIHS patients and their family members.

Please note: The information on this website was generated by a group of MMIHS families primarily based in the US. We recognize that care, practice and protocol vary by location and individual and it is not the intention of MMIHS.ORG to provide specific medical advice but rather to share the knowledge and experience available to us and provide universal information to help patients or their loved ones to better understand their health, diagnosed condition, and the current range of approaches related to treatment.  We continually strive to provide the most up to date and accurate information possible so we encourage you to utilize the contact page to get in touch if you have any questions, comments, or input regarding content on the website.